During the current Covid 19 situation, planned Gatherings have been cancelled and plans are on hold for 2021. Please contact the Office Manager for up to date information.
For further details and application forms, please contact the Office Manager
Gatherings -
Monday 1 - Tuesday 2 June - Fellowship Leaders Gathering at Marion Dunlop House
Led by Members of Council and the Teaching Group
For members who are leading or considering starting a group
Monday 20 - Friday 24 July - Gathering at Whalley Abbey, Blackburn
Led by Alan Meek, Fellowship Leader from Scotland
Tuesday 1 - Thursday 3 September - Gathering at Stanton House, Oxford
Led by Sue & Peter Renwick, Fellowship Council Members
Friday 27 - Sunday 29 November - SILENT Gathering at Marian Dunlop House, Dorchester
Led by - tbc
Quiet Days -
Held here at Marian Dunlop House, Dorchester
Led by local members of the Dorchester group
Saturday 15 February
Spring Quiet Day & AGM Saturday 16 May 10.30am onwards with AGM from 1.00pm onwards
Saturday 13 June
Saturday 12 September